
on the Earth

Première October 2022

A movie by Marcos Colón

Directed & Produced Marcos Colón
Screenplay: Marcos Colón & Bruno Malheiro
Photography: Bruno Erlan & Marcos Colón
Editing & Original Score: Diego Orix
Graphic Design & WebDesign: Fabrício Vinhas
Executive Producer: Erik Jennings & Marcos Colón
​Production: Amazônia Latitude Films
Sound Editing & Mixing: Ricardo Bento
Colorization: Lupércio Bogéa
Filmed in Bra​zil, Peru and Colombia
​73 min | USA | 2022


Kátia Akrãtikatêjê,
Manoel Munduruku,
José Manuyama e
Ailton Krenak

Music by

Gilberto Gil
Coral Mitã Mbaraete Guarani Mbya

The Film

In the documentary “Pisar Suavemente na Terra”, three Indigenous leaders from the Amazon try to keep their ways of being in the world alive. This is the story of Kátia, chief of the Akrãtikatêjê people, of Manoel, chief of the Munduruku people and of José Manuyama, a teacher of Kukama origin. The three narrate the threats to their territories promoted by large-scale mining, monoculture, oil extraction, logging and the construction of hydroelectric plants. Interconnected by the voice and ancestral thoughts of Ailton Krenak, these accounts of resistance present us with other ways of existing and walking in the world.

Watch the Trailer

With reports by Ailton Krenak, Kátia Silene Akrãtikatêjê and other leaders, the production shows stories of the capitalist invasion of the Amazon



Kátia Akrãtikatêjê

Tônkyre Akrãtikatêjê é o nome indígena de Kátia Silene da Costa Valdenilson. Cacica do Povo Akrãtikatêjê — que significa Gavião da Montanha — ela é filha de Raimunda e de Hõpryre Rõnõre Jõpikiti Payré, liderança indígena histórica da Amazônia que lutou contra o deslocamento forçado de seu povo pela construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí. Kátia se autodenomina sobrevivente do holocausto da ditadura militar na Amazônia e da construção de uma barragem, pois foi forçada a sair de seu território, a conviver com a extrema violência do Exército brasileiro e a se adaptar, junto com os povos Parkatêjê e Kykatejê, na Terra Indígena Mãe Maria, para onde sua comunidade também foi deslocada. Hoje, Kátia vive em uma terra atravessada por uma estrada, dois linhões de energia, uma ferrovia da empresa Vale S.A e ameaçada de invasão por madeireiros. Essas adversidades nunca impediram a cacica de empreender lutas ou defender a unidade de seu povo na luta indígena. Além de protagonizar essas lutas, ela organiza a implantação de sistemas agroflorestais, tanques de peixe, diversas roças e a coleta da castanha na terra indígena.

José Manuyama

José Manuyama was born in Requena (Peru). He is a professor and is of Kukama indigenous origin. He is part of the Comitê em Defesa da Água (Water Defense Committee), an intercultural collective that defends non-commercialization of water and other common assets, in addition to fighting for human and non-human dignity threatened by the predatory international economy. José was the protagonist of the citizen’s struggles in the city of Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon. Together with the Water Defense Committee, he took on the fight against the oil multinational Conoco Phillips, to keep the basin of the Nanay River free from oil exploration. Through the mobilization of various organizations and Indigenous ethnicities, he also managed to contain a deforestation project of over 40,000 hectares in the municipality of Tamshiyacu. José Manuyama, or simply Pepe, is a defender of life and an intellect in motion, who always presents the other side of what is historically called development. His mobilization and his thinking are living expressions of an ancestral struggle for life; his work and his knowledge are seeds from which we can construct other ways of stepping more softly on the earth.

Manoel Munduruku

Pela ancestralidade de Pai Tupã e da Mãe-Terra, Manoel Munduruku é uma liderança indígena da Aldeia Ipaupixuna, coordenador do Conselho Munduruku do Planalto, além de ser representante de quatro aldeias do povo Munduruku e cinco aldeias do povo Apiaká. A Terra indígena Munduruku e Apiaká está localizada no Planalto Santareno e possui aldeias dos dois povos. Manoel construiu uma história de lutas pela unidade de seu povo, em defesa do território, contra os grandes projetos de desenvolvimento na Amazônia. Articulou lutas contra a expansão da soja pelo Planalto Santareno e contra a intrusão de sojeiros na Terra Indígena, além de denunciar, junto a diversas outras organizações sociais e entidades, os grandes projetos portuários instalados na cidade de Santarém. Manoel também auxiliou na construção do Protocolo de Consulta dos Povos Indígenas Munduruku e Apiaká da região. Por conta das tensões de sua história de luta e resistência, Manoel foi forçado a mudar para a cidade de Santarém para cuidar de sua saúde física e mental, mas ainda assim continua a usar sua voz para denunciar os abusos dos processos de expansão de monocultivos na Amazônia, bem como para articular os povos indígenas em defesa de seus territórios ancestrais.

Ailton Krenak

Indigenous leader, environmentalist, philosopher, poet, and writer, Ailton Krenak is Doutor Honoris Causa (honorary doctor) of the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) (UFJF), one of the biggest leaders of the Brazilian Indigenous movement, and one of the greatest writers in Brazil. He was the protagonist of one of the most memorable scenes in the history of Brazil, in 1987, when he painted his face with the jenipapo fruit to protest against the attacks on indigenous rights. In 1988, he participated in the União dos Povos Indígenas (Union of Indigenous Peoples), which was transformed into the Aliança dos Povos da Floresta (Alliance of the Peoples of the Forest), a movement that joined Ailton, David Kopenawa Yanomami, and Chico Mendes. Krenak, on his return to Minas Gerais, the home of his people’s village, became dedicated to the Núcleo de Cultura Indígena (Nucleus of Indigenous Culture) and continued in the struggle to articulate the needs of Indigenous peoples. With his people, he suffered with the largest environmental crime in the history of Brazil: the rupture of the Fundão dam, of the mining company Samarco/BHP Billiton, of Vale, in Bento Rodrigues, a district of Mariana (MG), in November 2015. As a writer, Krenak recently published “Ideias para adiar o fim do mundo” (Ideas to Postpone the End of the World), “O amanhã não está à venda” (Tomorrow is Not for Sale), and “A vida não é útil” (Life is Not Useful), books which were a fundamental inspiration for the construction of this documentary. It is Ailton Krenak that provided the phrase that gave rise to the title of the film: “Pisar Suavemente na Terra” (Stepping Softly on the Earth).

We didn't come into the world to eat the world.
We came to dance to life.

Ailton Krenak


Modernity is synonymous with social ruin… development produces material wealth for a few and total ruin for the rest.

José Manuyama


We indigenous people are here telling you to respect us the way we are.

Kátia Akrãtikatêjê


These great enterprises only bring us destruction. This is the development they talk about: development that kills.

Manoel Munduruku



Documentary Highlights in the Media.

Stepping Softly on the Earth and Beyond Fordlandia, two documentaries by Marcos Colón

Documentário mostra a luta de lideranças indígenas para proteger a Floresta Amazônica - 8 Julho 2022


Amazon crisis and the survival of indigenous peoples are themes of a documentary by Marcos Colón - 09/05/2021 - Mônica Bergamo - Folha (


How to 'Tread' on the devastated land and explore solutions for the Amazon (


Documentary points paths to the future of the Amazon (


Stepping gently on the earth: a report - Revista Cult (


The beautiful documentary ‘Pisar Suavemente na Terra’ points out ways for the future of the Amazon from the indigenous and ancestral perspective - Amazônia Notícias e Informação (


Stepping softly on the earth | Latin America Bureau (


Documentary Stepping Softly on the Earth looks for ways out of the Amazonian crisis through an indigenous perspective – 02/09/2021 – (


Stepping Softly on the Earth: The first chieftain of the Akrãtikatêjê – 25/10/2022 – (


Stepping Softly on the Earth: The water man – 21/10/2022 – (


The documentary ‘Stepping Softly on the Earth’ seeks a way out of the Amazonian crisis by adopting an Indigenous worldview – 03/09/2021 – (


The Future is Ancient: How to Step Gently on the Earth – 30/07/2022 – (


The beautiful documentary ‘Pisar Suavemente na Terra’ points out ways for the future of the Amazon from the indigenous and ancestral perspective – 09/03/2021 – (


“Stepping Softly on the Earth” points out new ways of walking around the world – 09/11/2022 – (


‘Stepping Softly on the Earth’: on environmental resilience and the impact of society's choices on the future – 06/11/2021 – (


Stepping softly on FOSPA, expanding consciences and capturing hearts – 30/07/2022 – (


Brazil: tread gently on the earth | Latin America Bureau – 22/11/2022 – (


Director Marcos Colón Takes an Intimate Look at Three Indigenous Leaders’ Fight to Preserve Their Ancestral Connection to Nature in the Amazon – 24/02/2023 – (

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